We Are Proud To Announce That Proctortrack Is Now SOC 2 Type 2 Certified!

Learn how it helps protect your organization and the privacy of its clients. Proctortrack Is Now SOC 2 Type 2 Certified!

For every company, data is an asset to the organization. And ensuring its privacy must be the sole responsibility for every business. In present times, we all strive to become digitally equipped. And thus, sharing our data online has become more or less a day-to-day phenomenon. However, how can one rest assured that their personal […]

Coronavirus: E-learning and Online Proctoring to Foster Study-From-Home

e-learning rises amid coronavirus outbreak. Proctortrack helps in to conduct online exam

Coronavirus puts e-learning to the test The coronavirus outbreak has sent shock waves through the globe as the spread reached pandemic proportions. In the past two months, the outbreak has brought the world’s second-largest economy to a near standstill. Owning to strict quarantine measures and disrupted transport links, millions of students remain holed up in […]

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